Get To Know The User Interface – Part 2 – Advert Catalogue

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Advert Catalogue

The Advert Catalogue Page is the main advert search page in NativeAdBuzz or you can simply scroll down through the adverts.

By default when you log in to NAB the adverts are ordered by Last Seen. This means the adverts most recently seen by our system will be at the top.

As you scroll down the page more adverts will appear in a continuous scroll.


Advert Tiles

Each advert in the catalogue is shown on an Advert Tile with top-line information:

  1. 1. Advert Image
  2. 2. Advert headline
  3. 3. Add To Favourites Heart:  Only visible on mouseover. Click to add the advert to your favourites library and make the heart turn red and remain visible on the advert tile. Click when red to remove the advert from your favourites library and return the heart to its previous state.
  4.  4. Download Ad Image: Only visible on mouseover. Click to download the advert’s image in its original size.
  5. 5. First Seen Time: This shows how long it has been since the advert was first seen. Mouseover to see the actual date
  6. 6. Last Seen Time: This shows how long it has been since the advert was first seen. Mouseover to see the actual date
  7. 7. Strength: This is the total number of times we have seen this particular advert.

Clicking an advert tile will open the advert popup which will display all the detailed information for that particular advert.
