Advert Popup – Landing Pages Tab
To topThe Landing Pages Tab shows all the landing pages we have seen with the advert. There are 2 levels to the landing pages tab
First Level
To topThe first level of the landing page table shows all the landing pages we have seen with a particular advert grouped without variables.
eg: Landing page no variables:
- 1. Landing Page URL (grouped by URL no variables): Clicking these will take you to the second level of the Landing Page Tab
- 2. Strength: The total number of times this landing page URL (without variables) has been seen with this advert. This is a reasonably good score of how well a landing page is converting for an advert.
- 3. Date First Seen: The date this URL (without variables) was first seen with this particular advert
- 4. Date Last Seen: The date this URL (without variables) was last seen with this particular advert
Second Level
To topClicking a URL in the first level will open up the second level of the Landing Page Tab for the URL clicked.
The second level displays the complete Landing Page URLs including the variables:
eg. Landing page with variables:
This is important because useful tracking info can be contained in the variables and in some cases different content may be served based on the variables also.
- 1. Back to Landing Page: This link will take you back to the First Level of the landing page table
- 2. Full Landing Page URL: This URL includes all variables. A mouse-over will display the full URL in a tooltip and clicking will open the URL in a new browser tab.
- 3. Strength: This is the total number of times we have seen this exact URL with the advert. Often this can be 1 as advertisers may dynamically serve tracking URL’s
- 4. Screenshot: If we have collected a screenshot for the Landing Page you can download it by clicking here.
- 5. HTML: Here you can download the full HTML for the landing page which will allow you to edit the page for your own offer and directly launch it to your own server.
- 6. First Seen: This is the date the Landing Page URL was first seen with the advert
- 7. Last Seen: This is the date the Landing Page URL was last seen with the advert