Reviewed and updated – Sep 2020


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Today, we’re going to look at how to build the perfect landing page – so sit tight – this is important information you need to digest if you want your campaigns to succeed!

We’ve broken down the process into three steps, so let’s get started!


Step 1 – Writing the Right Headline

Just like your native ads themselves, there’s nothing more important to the overall success of your landing page than the headline it

Your headline needs to promote a sense of INSTANT APPEAL to your reader. Without it, they’re either going to click off the page, or just lose interest and go back to their boring lives.

There’s a few ways you can create a headline, and I’ll outline a couple below.

The first would be a benefit-driven headline. Something like…

Discover How To Shed Away All That Unwanted Fat WITHOUT Cutting Out Your Favourite Foods.

See how there’s BIG appeal to the reader? They can lose weight AND carry on eating their favourite foods? That’s a good example of a positive angle…

So now, let’s look at a negative one.

95% Of Men Are Shortening Their Life By Eating This One Harmful Food!

This is a kind of headline where it’s meant to ‘shock’ the reader into wanting to know more…

And it ensures that they feel almost obliged to read on – I mean, if you’re a guy… of course you’re going to want to know what food is cutting years off your precious life!

That’s just a few examples, but you get the gist – play around, and if you’re going for a benefits-driven headline, make sure you offer the reader something they actually want – value.


Step 2 – Features and Benefits

Some marketers say test short-form landing pages (headline and sub-headline), while others say use long-form (headline, sub-headline, bullet points, and brief summary). Ideally you test both, but this section will apply to the later – the long-form style.

See, you can have the perfect headline, and a killer subheading, but if your bullets and benefits aren’t hitting reader’s pain points, you’re never going to get click-through’s.

Make sure your bullet points demonstrate exactly what the reader is going to achieve by clicking through. Don’t fill them with fluff – include actual ‘proof’ – actionable stuff that KNOW they’re going to get.

For example, if you were hosting a webinar, you could say something like…

‘In this FREE webinar, you’ll discover…

Why your current approach to SEO is chasing away clients… and the simple marketing strategy to get a near-endless stream of customers approaching YOU…’

Or, if it’s a free eBook you’re giving away…

‘In this FREE eBook, you’ll discover…

The horrifying reality about ‘healthy foods’ every guy needs to understand… and the quick lifestyle ‘hack’ to give your body the nutrients it needs. PLUS, get more energy, feel happier, and become healthier than ever before!’

That’s just a couple of examples, but see how they contain direct benefits?

Ok, so let’s move onto the final part of this post…


Step 3 – Design

The way your landing page looks is questioned by some marketers – some believe it plays a minor role…

Others believe it plays a MASSIVE role.

Personally, I think it’s important – but it’s just one component amongst others.

For example, great design with poor copy won’t make your page sparkle (and actually get results) …

Just the same that great copy and poor design won’t either.

Try to make your page as
niche-relevant as possible… while making it relevant to your offer.

Below are a couple of examples of landing pages which are really well designed – so take inspiration!








Ok, so there you have it. Three ways to help you build the perfect landing page.

Got comments? Questions? post a question – I’d love to hear how you get on.

Remember, when you get the right native ad and landing page combination you can create really powerful campaigns, so it’s worth taking the time to do it right the first time round.

And remember… if you want to get a powerful edge over your competitors, you’ll want to sign up to NativeAdBuzz, where you can legally ‘spy’ on exactly what they’re doing… and how their campaigns perform.

Click the link below for a $7 trial!

Until next week 🙂